Event Info
Jimmy Up Matsuri 09/28/24
Every year for the last 7 years, we have gathered in the desert to drive one of the best tracks this side of the Mississippi: Horse Thief Mile, Willow Springs.

This year was especially refreshing for me as I spent the previous Matsuri beat up in-between neck surgeries & chemotherapy, fighting a staff infection. But THIS year,I was standing somewhere I’ve been countless times before, with a new appreciation for all of it, from the drivers that came to drift under the Jimmy Up banner, to the tire-speckled wind in my hair & eyes.

The pits looked exceptionally pretty this year too & while I never restrict or approve cars for this event, the pits looked like we did. The quality and taste of the builds were top tier.

Because I was so enamored with watching, I really felt like I was studying out there. One of my biggest flaws throughout my attempt to get better at drifting over the years has been patience; slowing down and observing before making attempts or adjustments. While being unable to drive during my recovery/rebuilding process, I don’t have much of a choice. Among all of the new appreciations I developed this day, this one of studying each driver quickly took over my brain. As each car came around the top of the hill in an ongoing attempt to line up for the stretch downhill with as much momentum & speed as they could manage, I watched. The distance to each edge of the track, the angle they threw the car in with, where they transitioned & when it was too late. In a section where I have struggled, I learned more from others than I did in the driver seat just plugging away over and over expecting different results.

While doctors don’t recommend I get back in a drift car, my training continues & my mind is made up.

It was great day of drifting, and I can’t wait for the next one. Thank you to every one that came to party with us, driver, spectator, media, friend: you are all greatly appreciated

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